What is Main method in Java – Explain in easy wayCan you explain the importance of Main method in Java and the signature of Main method with each components with an exampleDecember 28, 2023
Differences in between JDK, JRE and JVM made easyWhat are the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM? How are they important in developing applications using Java for beginners.December 28, 2023
Explain how to configure a Middleware in ASP.NET Core?Middlewares are custom components that encapsulate specific functionality and execute during a request pipeline in an ASP.NET Core web applicationDecember 25, 2023
How to work with Startup class in ASP.NET CoreIn this article, let's talk in detail about the Startup class and its methods, parameters etc in a typical ASP.NET Core applicationDecember 25, 20232 Comments
Configure vs ConfigureServices – Explained in a Simple WayWhat is ConfigureServices and Configure methods in ASP.NET Core. What are the major differences between these two methods with examples.December 25, 2023
Object Oriented Programming explained in a simple wayWhat is meant by Object Oriented Programming? Explain the features that qualify a Programming Language as OOP and what are they.December 25, 2023
4 types of access specifiers in Java in Simple WayAccess specifiers are keywords which define the access scope of the method, class, or a variable. These enforce security and encapsulation.December 25, 2023
How to use JWT Authentication with IOptions in ASP.NET CoreIn this article let's look at configuring the JWT bearer authentication header in the service pipeline by injecting a strongly typed configuration class.December 25, 2023