What is the difference between SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() methods?

  • Both SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() LINQ methods return default value of the passed collection data type when there are no matching elements found for the condition predicate.
  • Both methods return only one record from the collection that matches the predicate.
  • SingleOrDefault() expects the condition predicate to match only one record in the set - for example, a postUrl in a collection of BlogPost objects. If there are more than one objects that match the predicate, SingleOrDefault() method throws exception.
  • Whereas the FirstOrDefault() method returns the first object in the collection that matches the prerequisite and so no such exception is thrown.
  • Both SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() LINQ methods return default value of the passed collection data type when there are no matching elements found for the condition predicate.
  • Both methods return only one record from the collection that matches the predicate.
  • SingleOrDefault() expects the condition predicate to match only one record in the set – for example, a postUrl in a collection of BlogPost objects. If there are more than one objects that match the predicate, SingleOrDefault() method throws exception.
  • Whereas the FirstOrDefault() method returns the first object in the collection that matches the prerequisite and so no such exception is thrown.

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