What are TCL commands?

TCL or Transaction Control Language commands are used to enforce control on transactions within a database object which might result in a change in the state of data within the dbo.

These are:

  • ROLLBACK [ TO save_point_name ]
  • SAVEPOINT save_point_name

What are DCL commands?

DCL or Data Control Language commands are used enforce access control to data within the database or database objects.

These are:

  • GRANT <previlige_name> ON <object_name> TO <user_name>
  • REVOKE <previlige_name> ON <object_name> FROM <user_name>

What are DML commands?

DML or Data Modification Language commands are used in creating, updating or deleting data from the database objects such as tables.

These are:

  • INSERT INTO TABLE <table_name>
  • UPDATE <table_name> SET <column_name>=<new_value>
  • DELETE [ <column_name> | * ] FROM <table_name>

What are DDL commands?

DDL or Data Definition Language commands are used in defining or manipulating database schema. These are used for creating, modifying, and dropping the structure of database objects such as tables.

These are:

  • CREATE TABLE | DATABASE <object_name>
  • ALTER TABLE <table_name>
  • DROP TABLE | DATABASE <object_name>

What is a Scoped service?

A scoped service instance is created only once within a request scope and is reused for all calls within that request.

services.AddScoped<IMyClass, MyClass>();

What is a Transient service?

A transient service instance is created each time a calling component method or dependent class requests for an instance from the container.

services.AddTransient<IMyClass, MyClass>();

What is a Singleton service?

A singleton service instance is created only once during entire application lifetime, common across all requests.

services.AddSingleton<IMyClass, MyClass>();