How to Integrate Swagger UI with Spring Boot 3
In this article, let us see how we can implement SwaggerUI and OpenAPI specification for a simple Spring Boot 3 RESTful API
In this article, let us see how we can implement SwaggerUI and OpenAPI specification for a simple Spring Boot 3 RESTful API
Can you explain the importance of Main method in Java and the signature of Main method with each components with an example
What are the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM? How are they important in developing applications using Java for beginners.
Access specifiers are keywords which define the access scope of the method, class, or a variable. These enforce security and encapsulation.
In Java, super() and this(), both are special keywords that are used to call the constructor.
final is a special keyword in Java that is used as a non-access modifier. A final variable can be used in different contexts such as final variable,final method, final class
A constructor is a "kind of" method in java which is used to initialize objects. The constructor is called when an object of a class is created. It can be used to set initial values for object attributes. A constructor definition is similar to a method definition, except that the constructor should have same name as the class and doesn't contain a return type.
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() {
// class level definitions