How to Cognito Forgot Password Update Profile in ASP.NET Core
In this article, let's continue and implement other important user journeys once logged into any application - Updating Password, Updating Profile and..
In this article, let's continue and implement other important user journeys once logged into any application - Updating Password, Updating Profile and..
In this article, we shall integrate together and see how we can Assume Role and access AWS resources via SDK with an example in ASP.NET Core API
In this article, we will get started with the design and implementation of Role based resource access control in AWS with an illustrating example.
Learn how we can create lambda layers out of our own application tiers and configure our ASP.NET Core application to use these layers for production loads.
In this article, let's look at how we can validate a AWS Cognito User JWT token in an ASP.NET Core API in a step by step guide
Understanding AWS Cognito and Setting up User Pools for Authentication
In this article, Let's look in detail at how we can integrate and write Logs to AWS CloudWatch via ILogger in ASP.NET Core API
Let's see how we can authorize an API access based on an user role defined by the system or a user based on a claim based on the JWT token passed within the request.
In this article, let's understand how to create a custom Authorization Policy and use it with an example in ASP.NET Core Web API