What is an IEnumerable?

  • IEnumerable is an interface available in the System.Collection namespace
  • Any collection that implements the IEnumerable implements the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable interface, making it iterable.
  • The IEnumerable or the Generic IEnumerable must be used over in-memory objects.

How can you compile a .NET Project without using Visual Studio?

  • We can compile .NET Framework projects without using Visual Studio on the Command Line using csc.exe file.
  • We can supply additional arguments to csc.exe, in-addition to the csproj file of the .NET project.
  • In .NET Core, we use the dotnet build command on the command-line which can build the csproj without using Visual Studio.

What is JIT Compilation?

  • A JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler converts the MSIL (MS Intermediate Language) into native code on demand during the application runtime, when the application components are loaded and executed.
  • The JIT compilation happens specific to the running CPU architecture, since the common language runtime supplies a JIT compiler for each supported CPU architecture.
  • If the managed code calls platform-native APIs or runs platform-specific assemblies, the JITed code runs on only that particular system.

What is a Tuple? How many values can a Tuple Hold?

  • A Tuple is a data structure which can hold data of multiple types in a single variable.
  • Tuple was first introduced in .NET 4.0.
  • A Tuple can generally represent a row in a database table, where each column can represent a different type.
  • Individual values of "Items" inside a single tuple variable can be accessed by means of properties (Item1, Item2, ..)
  • A tuple can hold a maximum of 8 Items in itself, where the individual Items can themselves be Tuples of different items.
var tuple = new Tuple<T1, T2, T3, ... , T7, T8>();

What is GAC in .NET?

  • GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache
  • It is a place in the Windows directory where the assemblies (the DLL files) designated to be shared by the applications are stored for reuse.
  • Any assembly or component which is desired to be shared across applications in a machine is registered on the Global Assembly Cache.
  • To register an assembly into the Global Assembly Cache, we can do so by using the GACUtil.exe as below:
> gacutil -i [Path][Assembly Name].dll

What are Namespaces?

Namespaces are used to group and organize classes which are somewhat related to each other. Any class created would reside under a namespace and is referenced using the namespace in other classes or modules.

namespace MyModule {
  class MyClass {
   // all things under class
  class MyOtherClass {
   // all things under class

What is the difference between SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() methods?

  • Both SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() LINQ methods return default value of the passed collection data type when there are no matching elements found for the condition predicate.
  • Both methods return only one record from the collection that matches the predicate.
  • SingleOrDefault() expects the condition predicate to match only one record in the set - for example, a postUrl in a collection of BlogPost objects. If there are more than one objects that match the predicate, SingleOrDefault() method throws exception.
  • Whereas the FirstOrDefault() method returns the first object in the collection that matches the prerequisite and so no such exception is thrown.